Letters to My Son on Life and Faith: Introduction

When we were still anticipating my son, I began writing letters to him. I wrote about the progress we were making on his nursery, how excited we were for his arrival, the hopes that we had with him. And then during his first year, I wrote him a letter once a month. My plan was to keep doing this (to write a letter to him annually on his birthday), and then when he got older I would give them all to him. I hand wrote them and then it seems they were misplaced somewhere in the move to New York, and I was gutted, and it zapped the energy for the project. If I ever find them, I’ll at least have some things to share with him.

But as he’s growing, I find I have different hopes and joys and worries and concerns. Now six years later, his personality is starting to show, and he has taken a lot from me (poor kid), the reality into which he is growing is quite a bit different than the reality into which I grew, and in some ways it’s also very similar.

So I’m going to start a new (or is it renewed?) project of writing letters to him, but sharing them here. So why am I writing them here? Perhaps it’s because the internet feels more stable than paper (how ironic is that?). Perhaps it’s because I like to think that maybe others might in some way gain some edification from these. Maybe it’s because someday he may find them when he can’t burn them in a rage when he’s angry at me. And there’s a good chance that I’m processing my thinking here as I often do. Maybe it’s because this is a kind of prayer that I often offer publicly in my vocation. But regardless of the actual driving reason, I will be sharing these things here.

You’re welcome to read these, of course. I mean, I hope you do. Maybe you’ll gain something from them in some way. Or, at least, it may reinforce the fact that we are all on the journey of life together.

One response to “Letters to My Son on Life and Faith: Introduction”

  1. I don’t know about your son, but I am looking forward to it.

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